Career Program at the “UCL Leaders: Poland in a Global World” conference

On January 18th, Małgorzata Durska, Executive Director of the Polish Business Roundtable, presented the Career Program at the fourth edition of the interdisciplinary conference“UCL Leaders: Poland in a Global World” organized by the association of Polish students at the University College London (UCL).

“UCL Leaders: Poland in a Global World” is a conference which aims to explore Poland’s place in today’s ever-changing world and bring together ambitious Polish students who are looking to make an impact on their homeland and the rest of the world. The Polish Business Roundtable had a pleasure to be Partner of this conference for the third time.

For more about “UCL Leaders: Poland in a Global World” visit:

Career Program is the largest, independent program of paid internships in Poland organized by the Polish Business Roundtable since 2004.

For more about Career Program visit: [in Polish]

