Voices of Reason: What do political parties offer entrepreneurs?

On September 23rd, the Polish Business Roundtable held the debate Voices of Reason: What do political parties offer entrepreneurs?,” which we organized in cooperation with a leading Polish think tank Polityka Insight. Representatives of the largest election committees took part in the debate.

Law and Justice was represented by Leszek Skiba (Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance), MP Izabela Leszczyna spoke on behalf of the Civic Platform, Marek Sawicki (former Minister of Agriculture) presented the position of the Polish People’s Party, and MP Robert Kwiatkowski was a representative of the Left Committee. The debate was chaired by Jacek Olechowski, Vice-President of the Polish Business Roundtable, and Adam Czerniak, PhD, Chief Economist of Polityka Insight.

During the discussion, the participants answered numerous questions concerning tax burdens, social security contributions, wages, investment support, labor immigration, and other issues affecting the relations between the state and entrepreneurs.


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Na zdjęciu (od lewej): Marek Żołędziowski, Beata Balas-Noszczyk, Michał Szramowski, Małgorzata Adamkiewicz, Wojciech Kostrzewa i Marian Owerko

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